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As well as being a registered provider with the NDIS, we provide a variety of services to private and Medicare clients living with disabilities and complex conditions.

ProActive is a specialist disability exercise physiology provider specialising in clinical exercise interventions for clients living with intellectual and physical disabilities and complex medical conditions. We work with our clients, their carers and other medical professionals to achieve whole of life change through clinical exercise delivery.



Clinical exercise prescription can assist in managing and treating a large range of disabilities and complex conditions such as obesity, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, sensory impairments, degenerative and age-related conditions. Results can include:

  • Improved energy levels, mood, cardio capacity & overall fitness

  • Improved management of complex & chronic health conditions  

  • Weight loss & healthy weight management

  • Injury & fall rehabilitation & prevention

  • Improved balance, strength, coordination & mobility

Small group classes

Our specialised small group exercise physiology classes are for clients living with disabilities or complex care needs. Classes are designed to be interactive social experiences, focusing on cardiovascular activities and goal-oriented strength and balance activities.

1-on-1 focus sessions

Focus sessions deliver tailored 1-on-1 clinical exercise physiology to clients living with disabilities. An initial consultation involving a comprehensive assessment of the client’s strengths, abilities, goals and needs forms the basis of a tailored program that our Exercise Physiologist then implements with the client.

  • We are registered with the NDIS and provide supports to eligible participants at no out of pocket cost

  • Most private health insurance funds provide rebates for our services under basic extras cover

  • Medicare rebates are available for patients with an eligible GP Management Plan

  • Bulk billing is available for concession card holders

  • We also provide services to patients with TAC, Worksafe and DVA referrals

We are mobile

We are a fully mobile provider servicing Melbourne and surrounds. We also have consultation rooms and a private purpose-built accessible exercise physiology studio in Moorabbin.

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